Kathryn “Katie” (Pierce) GRAFER 

My interest in genealogy began with listening to my grandmothers talk about their childhoods. Sitting with them as they flipped through old photo albums and pointed out people I’d never heard of was like discovering an old world full of mysterious people I wanted to meet.

That curiosity turned into a hobby that turned into a passion. Almost three decades later, I still love learning about the lives of those who came before me and want to share the experience with others.

Lots of people would love to find out more about their family's history, but for one reason or another, they haven't looked into it on their own. Maybe they're juggling a busy family and a career and simply don't have time. Maybe they have no idea where or how to start doing research or which of the myriad genealogy websites to join. Maybe they'd love to know the stories of their ancestors...as long as someone else uncovers them because that part just simply isn't interesting to them. That's where I come in. Whether someone wants to know if that story about Great Aunt Margaret was actually true, or they want to know who their first immigrant ancestor in this country was, I can help dig up the roots that have been buried by time.

Doing genealogy research is a bit like being a detective, digging for clues to try to make all the pieces fit together. And I’ve always loved a good detective story!



  • Thirty years of genealogical research experience 

  • Boston University Certificate in Genealogical Research (2015)

  • Genealogical Institute of Federal Records (GEN-FED) Alum (2022)

  • Trace DNA Academy Alum (2022)

  • ProGen Study Group Alum (2023-2024)

  • Board member and Program Chair of Mecklenburg Genealogical Society, Charlotte, North Carolina

  • Member of National Genealogical Society, New England Historic Genealogical Society, and Association of Professional Genealogists

  • Ongoing education and participation in webinars and conferences