Katie Grafer Katie Grafer

My only secret is experience

Do professional genealogists have access to records that other people don’t? Nope. Read more to learn some of the benefits of working with a professional.

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Katie Grafer Katie Grafer

What’s in a name?

Shakespeare was right, at least when it comes to genealogy. Someone’s name - in a way - is irrelevant. More specifically, the way someone’s name is spelled is often irrelevant.

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Katie Grafer Katie Grafer

I think my great-grandmother was Ukrainian - Part 1

When I tell people that I’m a professional genealogist, I often hear, “Oh, my mother/grandmother/aunt did that.” What makes a professional different from a hobbyist? Sometimes (not always!) it’s knowing how to look a little more closely and dig a little bit deeper.

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Katie Grafer Katie Grafer

Finding Hillman’s father

Church records from the First Church in Jaffrey (New Hampshire) provided the evidence needed to support paternity claims.

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Katie Grafer Katie Grafer

Death was “probably accidental”

The death certificate for Joseph Gilmore indicated tragic circumstances around his death. But the words “probably accidental” made me want to learn more. Newspapers can be a great source to add color and context to “facts on a page.”

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